What is Holistic Oral Health?
You might have heard the term “holistic” before, but what does it really mean, and what does it have to do with your oral health? Let’s break it down!
What is the Definition of Holistic?
“Holistic” literally means “whole.” In medicine, holistic means approaching the whole person as opposed to only treating the symptom. It’s not necessarily a treatment method or technique. Rather, according to the National Library of Medicine, holistic medicine is an attitude or set of beliefs. For example, a holistic medical practitioner typically looks beyond the specific ailment or complaint to take everything from environmental factors to emotional and spiritual wellbeing into consideration.
A holistic approach to oral health considers dental health as a part of one’s health as a whole. There’s plenty of research to back this up. Your mouth is actually an entry point for both your respiratory and digestive systems! Bacteria can build up in your mouth, causing not only dental issues like cavities or gingivitis, but can impact other parts of your body.
Oral Health and Overall Health
According to the Mayo Clinic, several conditions have been linked to oral health. When bacteria from your mouth manages to travel through your body, it can come into contact with your heart. Both endocarditis and cardiovascular disease have been associated with oral health. Additionally, certain complications during pregnancy have been shown to have a connection to periodontitis. You can also contract pneumonia if bacteria from your mouth enters your respiratory system.
On the flip side, your body’s health can also influence your oral health. Certain medications can decrease saliva production. Diseases such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS lower the body’s immune system, which can make things like an oral infection more difficult to manage.
Your New Holistic Oral Health Routine
Practicing holistic oral care starts with establishing a good, consistent routine. Any dentist will tell you that brushing your teeth regularly is important to keep your mouth clean and healthy. However, it’s not just all about your teeth!
Only cleaning your teeth won’t keep things like gum disease at bay. Personal oral hygiene means taking care of your whole mouth — not just your teeth. Brush that tongue and show your gums some TLC!
Using products with high-quality ingredients is another great way to get into holistic oral care. Big brand names tend to use harsh chemicals, artificial preservatives, and artificial flavors. Choosing an alternative that doesn’t include that variety of toxic ingredients can support your oral health.
SprinJene CBD’s innovative toothpaste combines 500mg of CBD with Black Seed Oil and Zinc to create a uniquely powerful ingredient synergy, combining naturally antibacterial properties to help fight bacteria build-up in your mouth. Using certified organic, cruelty-free, vegan ingredients ensures that you’re getting all of the benefits — without any of the bad.
Bring holistic oral health into your life and experience the health benefits firsthand!