Anti-Bacterial Toothpaste?

Did you know that there are tiny little organisms called bacteria that live in our mouths? Some bacteria are good and natural, but too much bad bacteria can have serious impacts! 

An overload of bacteria can ultimately lead to a variety of dental and gum problems. Your oral health is capable of influencing the overall health of your whole body, so it’s important to take your dental care seriously. 

What is Plaque? 

One kind of dental issue that is caused by bacteria is called plaque. Plaque is a kind of sticky layer that grows on your teeth when you don’t brush your teeth regularly. Plaque forms when bacteria mix with the proteins and bits of food we consume. 

Plaque can contribute to damaged tooth enamel and is often associated with cavities. 

What is Tartar? 

Tartar, also sometimes called calculus, is essentially hardened plaque. When plaque isn’t removed fast enough, it hardens into tartar. Once this happens, tartar is pretty difficult to get rid of. 

Tartar can only be removed by a professional dentist using special tools and techniques. 

When tartar forms, brushing and flossing are less effective because the toothbrush and floss are not actually getting to your tooth. This compounds the problem and is associated with cavities and tooth decay. 

Your gums are also at risk when you develop tartar. The bacteria found in tartar irritates your gum line, damaging them. This puts you at risk for progressive gum diseases, like gingivitis. 

Antibacterial Toothpaste Can Help

If after reading this far you’re feeling nervous about your oral health, don’t worry — there are lots of ways to control the bacteria in your mouth! 

A regular, ideally twice daily, oral care routine is the first line of defense for bacteria removal. 

You can also incorporate products that help fight bacteria, as well. Toothpastes like Sprinjene actually use plant-based ingredients that naturally have antibacterial properties. Brushing with a toothpaste that has antibacterial ingredients is a powerful way to keep your mouth happy and healthy! 


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