The Best Oral Hygiene Routine

September brings cooler temperatures, the first fall harvest — and kids going back to school. Back to school season brings change for many across the board, including our daily routines. While we might be mourning the end of pool days and vacation vibes, picking up a new routine can actually be productive and promote your overall health and wellness! 

Part of taking steps toward a new, healthy routine includes stepping up your oral hygiene game. 

Research shows that regularly brushing your teeth and flossing is a key part of keeping your body healthy! 

What is Oral Health? 

Oral hygiene means keeping your mouth squeaky clean! Good oral hygiene can help prevent oral diseases and symptoms, like gingivitis, cavities, bad breath, and more. 

Your body’s overall health is also affected by the health of your mouth. Did you know that bacteria from your mouth can actually get into your bloodstream? Preventing infection is important to lower the risk of things like heart disease and stroke. 

What are the symptoms of poor oral hygiene? 

Symptoms of poor oral hygiene can include: 

Why is brushing your teeth important? 

The American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth with toothpaste twice a day for two minutes each time. 

Regularly brushing your teeth helps remove food particles and plaque — a sticky film that can cover your teeth and harden into tartar and cause significant damage. Bacteria can break down the enamel on your teeth as well, leading to decay and eventual tooth loss. Brushing your teeth is also beneficial for your gums. 

How can I make my oral hygiene better?

The first step is having a consistent routine. The best rule of thumb is to brush your teeth every day, twice per day. 

Using high-quality toothpaste can help clean your teeth. It helps to avoid products with potentially toxic ingredients, SLS, artificial flavors, or preservatives that can have negative impacts on the rest of your body. Products with natural ingredients clean your teeth without introducing any of the bad stuff into your system. 

Another step to add to your routine is flossing regularly! Flossing helps strengthen and protect your gums while removing any food particles from between your teeth that might otherwise lead to infection and disease. 

Why is an oral hygiene routine important? 

Every time we eat or drink something, particles are left behind on our teeth. Whether it's sugar from a soda or a bit of popcorn shell, there are always bacteria particles from food or beverages in your mouth. 

Regularly brushing your teeth, in a nutshell, removes those particles from your teeth and gums so that they do not cause adverse health effects. Just like any other bacteria, the bacteria in your mouth will grow and cause disease without your intervention. 

This might sound kind of gross, but that’s how our human bodies work! 

Forming solid routines and habits help protect our oral health and keep our bodies in top shape. 


Protect Your Teeth From Sugar


Anti-Bacterial Toothpaste?