How to Prevent Discolored Teeth

Depending on your skin tone, some colors look better on you than others, don’t they? You’ve probably noticed that certain hues stand out on you and can even bring out highlights in your hair. And you may have noticed that jewel tones and vivid colors are good for many. In fact, they make most people look radiant. 

Reds, blues, greens… whatever your best colors are, and regardless of your skin tone or hair color, when it comes to your teeth, brown or yellow are definitely not on the palette. Pearly white teeth make you look your best. 

Yellow teeth will do nothing but detract from your beauty when you smile. Interestingly, discolored teeth can be even more noticeable on cool-toned skin. No matter what, nobody wants dingy teeth! So how do you prevent them? Let’s talk about some of the worst culprits and what you can do to make your teeth look their best. 

Wine-Stained Teeth
Do you enjoy red wine? How about coffee or tea? Did you know that all three could discolor your teeth? Red wine is one of the major culprits of stained teeth. But ask any wine connoisseur if it’s worth giving up that glass of Cabernet or port and most will say, no way. Staunch coffee and tea drinkers would say the same. 

We agree. Giving up something you love is not necessary. Red wine is a culinary pleasure and has been for as long as we discovered how to ferment grapes. Instead of avoiding it, SprinJene Natural Oral Care would like to give wine lovers (and of course coffee and tea drinkers, too) a few hints to avert the perils of discolored, stained teeth.    

Make Regular Brushing a Habit
The most important habit you can create and stick to if you want to hang onto your white teeth is to do what you are taught from the time you are young: brush your teeth after eating and drinking. In this case, brushing your teeth before eating or drinking is also important. Wine, coffee, tea, and dark fruits can actually stain the plaque on your teeth. Not good! Make sure there is no residue that can cause stains to cling to your teeth. 

Now, the important habit of brushing before you consume also goes for all foods and beverages that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, blueberry pie, grape juice, and more. Brushing before you consume will minimize the dimming of your bright smile.  

SprinJene Natural 
Our revolutionary Natural Fluoride Free Organic Toothpaste is made with our patented technology of black seed oil and zinc, combined with the natural power of hemp. Not only will it aid in removing stains but also in preventing tooth decay and more.


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