3 Helpful Ways to Remedy Dry Mouth Symptoms

Dry mouth can be one of the most uncomfortable things to deal with. Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth is the result of many different causes, ranging from smoking and snoring, to diabetes and medications. According to research, this condition affects more than 22% of the population. 

For those who manage dry mouth on a regular basis, you may be wondering how to prevent it from occurring time and time again. Continue reading for 3 helpful ways to remedy the symptoms: 

Chug that Jug of Water
Water is the most essential compound for the human body. It helps lubricate joints and moistens your mouth. Did you know that water is also a main component of saliva? Without saliva, your mouth would not be able to fight off germs and bacteria, combat tooth decay, or prevent bad breath. 

When you are dehydrated, you may notice that your body isn’t producing enough saliva to coat your tongue, teeth, and cheeks. This can also lead to chapped and cracked lips, difficulty swallowing, and irritation of the tongue — Ouch! Remember to chug that jug of water throughout the day to prevent the onset of pesky dry mouth symptoms. 

Chew Sugar-Free Gum
Sugar-free gum is an amazing way to increase saliva production. After you have had a meal, you can chew a piece to help balance acids in the mouth and flush away food particles that lead to painful cavities. Keep in mind that the gum should contain absolutely no sugar, otherwise you can feed millions o bacteria in your mouth and damage your teeth. Sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production by 10 times the normal rate. Research shows that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating or drinking can also help reduce tooth decay by up to 40%. 

Use Zelira-SprinJene Toothpaste
If you want to boost your dental health, reduce symptoms of dry mouth, and prevent gum inflammation, consider using Zelira-SprinJene Fluoride-Free Natural® Toothpaste. This scientifically-formulated toothpaste offers countless benefits, providing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that naturally eliminate decay-causing bacteria. It also restores your mouth’s pH Balance & reduces bone loss associated with gum disease. 

Say bye-bye to dry mouth symptoms, and hello to a refreshed, healthy mouth with our naturally-flavored toothpaste now!


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